General Information About Scouting

What is Scouting?

Scouting is:

  • A series of adventurers for an active boy or girl designed to build their confidence;
  • Doing things, discovering things and having a lot of fun;
  • Helping boys and girls to become resourceful and responsible members of the community, by providing opportunities for their mental, social, physical and spiritual development;
  • A voluntary, world-wide, non-denominational movement with over 22 million members in over 110 countries.

Scouting has five sections, all or a selection of which together with the Group Committee constitute a Scout Group. Each Section may have both male and female members.

Joey Scouts 
Cub Scouts
Venturer Scouts
Rover Scouts
Age 6 to 8 years
Age 7.5 to 11 years 
Age 10.5 to 15 years
Age 14 to 18 years
Age 17 to 26 years
Age 18 years or more


The aim of the association is to encourage the physical, mental, social and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in our society as responsible citizens.



The principles of Scouting as identified by the founder Lord Baden-Powell are that Scouts should serve their God, act in the consideration of the needs of others and develop and use their abilities to the betterment of themselves and their families and community in which they live.


The methods by which these aims and principles are achieved include:

  • Voluntary membership of a uniformed group which is guided by adults, and which is increasingly self-governing in successive age groups.
  • Commitment to a code for living as expressed by the Scout Promise and Law, the meaning of which is expanded as the member grows towards maturity.
  • Providing a wide range of attractive, constructive and challenging activities including opportunities for adventure and exploration both indoors and outdoors, the provision of opportunities for leadership and responsibility, learning by doing, and encouragement of activity in small groups.
  • An award scheme which encourages participation in the full range of activities and provides recognition of individual achievements 


The Scout Promise and Law

Joey Scout Promise

I promise to do my best To love my God And be helpful


Cub Scout Promise

On my honour, I promise I will do my best to do my duty to my God, and the Queen of Australia, to help other people, and to live by the cub-scout law.


Cub Scout Law

Cub Scouts are loyal and obedient, Cub Scouts do not give in to themselves.


Scout Promise

(for all Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and Leaders) On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to my God, and to the Queen of Australia, to help other people, and to live by the Scout Law.


Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy a Scout is loyal a Scout is helpful a Scout is friendly a Scout is cheerful a Scout is considerate a Scout is thrifty a Scout is courageous a Scout is respectful a Scout cares for the environment


Scout Prayer

Almighty and everlasting God, By who grace Thy servants are enabled to fight the good fight of faith, And ever prove victorious, We humbly beseech Thee, so to inspire us, That we may yield our hearts to Thine obedience and exercise our wills on Thy behalf. Help us to think wisely, to speak rightly, to resolve bravely, to act kindly, to live purely. Bless us in body and sole and make us a blessing to our comrades. Whether at home or abroad, may we ever seek the extension of Thy Kingdom. Let the assurance of Thy presence save us from sinning, Strengthen us in life and comfort us in death. O Lord our God, accept this prayer AMEN


The Role of Parents and Carers in Scouting

Without parents scout groups would not exist. Even before your child enrolls on the waiting list a parent has done some thing to make the enrolment possible. Parents/carers initially formed the Group, a parent/carer became the first Group Leader. The Committee of parents/carers kept the Group together, and a group of parents may have built the hall. Your child is instructed by a parent who has become a leader. To keep a Group together involves many small jobs. When they are shared they become light work for everyone. The ways you can help You can advance the Group and help make it a great place for your child by:

  • being actively interested in your child’s progress through the sections of-the group.
  • encouraging your child in his/ her test and badge work.
  • supporting the leaders in their program of activities, particularly in the outdoor activities such as outings, camps and hikes.
  • becoming an active member of the Group Committee.
  • helping with the work of advising or examining for badges (called a resource advisor) if you have any special skills you are able to contribute.
  • attending as many Scouting functions you can, because your support of the group is valued.
  • volunteering your services as a leader in any of the sections of the Group. You will be joining other Leaders and giving your time to practical leadership activities which help boys and girls in their self-development towards a better quality of living and citizenship.



Don’t let the kids have all the fun! When was the last time you did the following: canoeing, sailing, orientated a map, built a raft, flying, gliding, had a sausage sizzle, made models, camped, hiked, tied four knots, sung a song around a campfire? ? When your child reaches 18, are you going to ask yourself the question: Where has the time gone, and what have I done with my children? What will be your answer? 


Who becomes a leader? The parents of the group. Leaders can be found amongst yourselves, your next door neighbour, in your school, church or kindergarten, your workmates, etc. If you don’t talk about the need for leaders then you will never find one. 


How do you do it? It is the parents’ responsibility to find new leaders and help the existing leaders to do their job. 


How much time do I need to commit? This depends on the person. The average for an assistant is four to six meetings a month. 

Does it cost? Only your time. 


But I don’t know how to do it! A comprehensive training program is available and follow on assistance always available. As far as possible, the Group will assist with paying costs. 


Do I need a uniform? Yes. Some groups pay for the first uniform. 


What kind of person do you need to be? Love kids! 


What do I get out of it? Lots of fun for you as well as friendship with wonderful people. A plan of training which is really a plan of self-development. 


Knowledge and skills dealing with both children and adults which will be invaluable to you for the rest of your life. 


An opportunity to grow up with your children not away from them. 


Immeasurable pleasure from knowing you assisted kids through life. 


World-wide membership (22 million strong). Other ways to help By becoming a Committee member even for only a term, parents and carers learn to understand how the system works, what problems can occur, and they can contribute lots of ideas to the development of the Group and of their children. There are lots of jobs which need to be done, such as:

Maintain equipment, maintain and clean the hall

Fundraising, recruiting new members

Badge examiner, assist by running an activity for one night

Driving to an activity or accompanying the kids on public transport